Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Module 4 - youTube

I think if you have an email account, you would have been sent numerous, and hilarious, YouTube clips.  In the last few weeks I have been having a look at the site and searching for things that may have come up in conversation with someone, like one-hit-wonders from the 80's, or remember that add for such and such...  A friend's child had the old ditty 'I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts' going around in her head, but she didn't know all the words, so with a little help from YouTube we were all singing it for days.  (Not recommended, a most annoying habit!)  But we had a laugh.  My five year old loves watching the clips of animals, especially the ones of talking animals.  I've added some clips of animals in my side bar for fun.  I dare you not to get a giggle from them.

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