Regarding Drupal, I have had some trouble getting my head around it. I am not internet savvy and have no idea about web page construction or what it all means, so I think a lot of the advantages of Drupal and it's overall concept is lost on me. I can see that there is a mountain of users, and I viewed the slideshare presentation, but again, I think the info was a little out of my league. From what I could understand, it's a great resource is you already have the users waiting for a space to access information, such as a library community or school/university. The slideshare presenter hinted on the ease of web site construction using Drupal, but there was still a lot of lingo that I had no clue about. I also read some feed back comments that there is some cost involved in using Drupal, but I expect it is less than paying a web designer to do the work for you. It will be interesting to see what other's learn of it. The next section is facebook, which is a last a component of this learning experience that I know a little about. I started my own face book profile around the same time as starting this blog.
سيدتي الجميلة خليكى شباب على طول مع مجموعات النوفادج الخطيرة التواصل واتساب
حقوق الطبع والنشر محفوظة لللمهندس الزراعي ماجد بديع أبوموسي ومن يخالف ذلك
يتعرض للمسائلة القانونية والجنائية
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4 years ago
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